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Madison Elementary Partnership


Trunk or Treat

Each year at Halloween, Madison students walk to The House of the Carpenter dressed in their costumes. Many families wait along the street to watch their Halloween parade. The superheroes, goblins, ninjas, witches, and princesses (among many others) are escorted by their teachers, in addition to firefighters and a firetruck from the Wheeling Fire Department. HOC staff members and representatives from a variety of Wheeling businesses dress up in costume and decorate their vehicles and tables to see all the students in their costumes and pass out treats and candy to them. 


School Supplies

Purchasing school supplies for their children is not a regular monthly household expense that all parents can afford. Because some families can only afford necessities, school supplies might be considered an extravagance to them. In an effort to alleviate stress on the families of our Madison Cougars, the HOC provides the students and teachers of Madison Elementary with school supplies for the year. Each teacher at Madison makes a list of supplies that their students will need. Folders, paper, pencils, erasers, glue sticks, notebooks scissors and a backpack are some items that are typically provided. Once delivered to Madison, the teachers distribute the filled backpacks to the students on their first day of school. 


Teacher Supplies​

For the teachers at Madison Elementary, we provide supplemental educational materials needed for instructional purposes in their classrooms. Many teachers are forced to spend money out of their own pockets to enhance learning experiences for their students. The HOC tries to lighten this load for our friends at Madison by allocating designated funds to purchase such materials for them. The teachers at Madison work hard to provide maximum learning opportunities for their Cougars, and we love to contribute to enhance their student experiences.


Coffee Cart

Once a month during the school year, staff members from The House of the Carpenter head to Madison with our Coffee Cart in tow. We personally deliver a hot beverage of their choice and a dessert to each teacher and staff member, as well as a fresh produce item for the kids during the school day. This treat for Madison’s staff is well deserved and greatly appreciated by them. This special visit gives us the opportunity to see our Cougars in action and lets Madison’s students see how much the community appreciates these incredible educators.    


Cougar Cocoa

Cougar Cocoa has become an annual tradition for Madison Elementary and The House of the Carpenter. Each year, Madison’s students participate in “Caroling in the Halls” where they sing Christmas songs at their school. Our staff members attend this program, bringing a gift bag for each student containing a cocoa cup, plenty of cocoa mix, and a new book to read during their holiday break. Each teacher chooses an age-appropriate book for their class. 


Reward Days​

Each semester, students who are recognized for outstanding behavior or academic achievement are given the chance to come to the Toni and Nancy Bedway Center for Youth to spend some time away from their school routine to play games or sports together.


Book Party​

At the end of each school year, the teachers from Madison provide the HOC with the names of books for students for use during Summer Reading. This provides an incentive for students to remain active readers while not in school. 


For more information, contact Jackie at


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